Over 4000 words in four days! That’s amazing! And breaking the 50k mark must feel amazing.

Yes to rests for the body and mind ☺️

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Thank you so much, Sarah! It does feel good, even as it feels I have a long way to go. At some point, this story has to end! 😆

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Jul 6Liked by Maria Hanley

YAY!!!! Wowow huge congrats on 50k! I’m so inspired by you! And I just love the look behind the scenes of your process. I’m so grateful to you for sharing these ups and downs so openly because I think I operate similarly. And on days when no book writing happens, I feel myself laying on the pressure rather than enjoying the deep breath. So thank you thank you thank you 🥰

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Yes, the space between enough pressure to keep going and finish and the kind that kills creativity is a tricky one, and it shifts as we grow and age. Someone I know recently described writing a book as a "one-foot-in-front-of-the-other" process, and I think it's so true. I'm so, so happy that any part of what I'm sharing is inspiring to you, Miriam. I hope it helps you see your book through!❤️

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Jul 5Liked by Maria Hanley

Maria, thank you for sharing. I have also felt overwhelmed by my inbox, and instagram, the piles of papers on my desk, and the piles of books I continue to buy. Thank you for helping me feel a bit less alone in all this. So wonderful to hear about your writing this week! Great way to kick off July!

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My favorite part of that was "the books I continue to buy." Guilty! You know, I had a moment before I hit publish, wondering if this piece was a bit of a downer. And then I thought, you know, it's my truth right now, today. It makes me feel better to know you understand what I was getting at. Thanks, as always, for reading and commenting, Wendy. I love hearing from you!

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Jul 7Liked by Maria Hanley

Thank you, Maria! I'm so grateful we crossed paths and "found" each other online!!

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Ugh I hear you. I'm an extrovert and I don't mind a bit of self-promotion every now and then, but for my writing work to HINGE on that? It's wrong in so many ways, and I think this dynamic affects the quality of what we are reading. The fact that we even have to ask the question whether writers can *do their job* without social media is such a depressing sign of our times.

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That's it exactly! I think most of us are happy to get out there and share, but it loses its luster when it begins to feel like a job where the formula for "success" remains a mystery. I agree there is a very fine line between staying true to the work and how marketing can shape what and how we write, and also how we feel about ourselves as writers. Thanks so much for reading, Sascha.

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Congrats on hitting 50k! This resonates so much with me… that line between rest and procrastination for me is so tricky. At the moment… breaking feels creatively necessary but I have to be real and check in with myself constantly and ask… is that what this is?

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Thanks so much for reading, Kristine. We all have our own creative journeys, but it is really nice to hear I'm not alone in some of these peaks and valleys.

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Yes, I think you can... but it gets increasingly more difficult for authors. I see big name authors working very hard to promote their work. There are so many decisions to make, like traditional publishing vs. self-publishing, sticking to one genre or be a multi-genre author, etc. And then there's luck. 🍀 It all begins with the love for writing because that's what keeps us writers going. You can do it. Be kind to yourself, and when you need a break, take it. 🩷🩷🩷

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It’s the truth! I have so many moments when it’s hard not to feel discouraged, but I always land in the same place: I will write anyway because I need it, regardless of algorithms and luck and all the noise. That’s how I know I will finish this manuscript and shape a writing life that works for me. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Olivia.

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Exactly! 👏 We hang in there because we love to write and with it comes luck and opportunity. 😊

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Jul 5Liked by Maria Hanley

Great to see your message appear on Substack! Thank you for your honesty. You share your heart well. You CAN do this. Beautifully!


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Thank you, Paulajo. Your encouragement makes such a difference.❤️

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