May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

Good morning. Happy Friday. I can sense your enthusiasm and your gratitude for your supportive community.

I also love the blackboard wall. It looks like a wall. I am hoping to add a similar feature.

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Thank you for reading and for your kind words, Ramona. You're right, the blackboard is part of the wall. If you're thinking about it, I say go for it. The funny thing is that, until now, I didn't really have a singular use for it...until I realized it was a perfect place for my chart!

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I so enjoyed reading this and I adore your chalkboard tracker. What a powerful example to set for your kids. Congratulations on the halfway mark!

I’m a fellow 40s writer working on getting my first novel published and found your words so encouraging. Thank you for sharing them. ✨ Looking forward to following your journey!

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Thanks for reading, Michelle. So happy to be connected to you here! Congratulations on getting so far in your own writing journey, too. That’s amazing about your novel! That’s incredibly inspiring for someone like me and I can’t wait to hear more.

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Maria, oh my GOODNESS!!! I cannot WAIT to read whatever it is you are writing!! I'm so inspired by your commitment and sharing. I've had a dream of writing a novel for a long time and am only now pursuing it. I'm still in very, very early phases (still figuring out what I want it to be about 🙈) and have only told a handful of people how deeply I dream of this becoming a reality. So I can relate to the self-doubt you describe, and I'm so inspired by your progress. Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to shower back to you all the support you so generously share with others 🥰

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Thank you so much, Miriam! Your kind words and encouragement help more than you know. I am so glad we’re connected here.❤️

Yes, I absolutely understand. It’s a huge endeavor. At first, I could barely admit it to myself, but I really couldn’t stop thinking about it for a long time. I didn’t tell many people at first, because I just wasn’t sure if I could do it, to be honest. I finally invested in classes with The Novelry and I can easily say their courses are worth every penny. Everyone has their own path, but I encourage you to listen to those whispers and ideas that won’t leave you alone. The hardest part is deciding to say yes to a dream. After that, a path unfolds, and what feels impossible suddenly feels within reach.✨

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Oh wow that's such a great tip re: The Novelry! I hadn't heard of this before and am looking into it now. I so appreciate that!! And I understand and am here for all the encouragement and dream-following 🥰❤️

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May 23Liked by Maria Hanley

Love this, Maria. Love the big bold blackboard, the supportive community rallying around you, the fire in your belly to push on. I have no doubt you have it in you to finish this draft. 40k is a big milestone! Keep going!!🙌

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Thank you so much for reading, Beth. This blackboard has taken on a whole new energy😂 Somehow, if I'm sharing it with people, I feel more accountable. I'm so grateful for your encouragement and support.🙏

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May 21Liked by Maria Hanley

As I review, again, the Halfway There conversation, I am thrilled with your listing of daily words counted! You are challenged, of course, to balance your tasks but so far, so good! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and Thank You for offering your readers great comfort that YOU are going forward! Many blessings!

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Thank you so much for reading, Paulajo. I'm so happy you're here.❤️

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That blackboard is so cute! It really shows the passion you have for your writing. Congratulations on the halfway mark milestone! P.S. great song choice, timeless, and lifted up my spirits just listening to it.

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Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. It's quite the journey, but the blackboard works wonders in terms of keeping me accountable to my goals. I agree on the song!

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May 19Liked by Maria Hanley

This is brilliant, Maria! Congratulations on getting to the halfway mark and I love your chalkboard.

What you said about not realising that others would support you resonated with me. I remember feeling a bit silly when I first started writing on Substack and was a bit scared to tell my friends and family I was doing it. I thought they’d laugh and think it ridiculous. Of course they didn’t - they all supported and spurred me on. Funny what our inner critic can make us believe.

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Thank you so much, Hannah. It really has been quite the journey so far. It's true about our inner critics! Sometimes I feel like being introverted makes that bit harder, but I find the more risks I take, even if they're small, the quieter that voice gets. It's like I'm turning down its volume the braver I become.☺️ Thank you so much for reading!

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Love all of this! Such great inspiration for us to all keep going even when there’s no outside reason to.

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That makes me happy. Thanks for reading, Mary.🥰

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This is an amazing achievement - congratulations!

I love how your son celebrated by singing Livin’ on a Prayer too, your son has excellent taste and offers fantastic support.

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Thank you, Sarah! He is definitely a character, that is for sure.😂 Thanks for reading. I’m so happy for our connection here.❤️

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May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

Hurray for you, Maria! Happy Half-way! Like all your fans, I look forward to the finished product. Inspiring effort and dedication. Mary

P.s. I remember the Rehoboth events very well!

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That was a great summer. Bon Jovi and a lot of Rice Krispie treats. Thanks for reading and for your encouraging words, Aunt Mary. Don’t know where I’ll end up but I sure am trying!

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May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

Maria, your writing progress is wonderful to witness! Happy to continue cheering you on!! P.S. - Those dark chocolate peppermints are favorites in my home, too!

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They really are the best, aren’t they? Although it’s hard to go wrong at See’s 😍 I’m so grateful for our connection, Wendy, and for your support. Thank you for being here!

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May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

Oops! I went too fast - checked BJ’s wiki page and saw 1883. Turns out that is the year the band was formed. Ran into them in an airport once many years ago. My colleague was a real babe so they spent the hour we waited for our plane trying to convince her to join them on their chartered jet. Don’t believe they even noticed me. It is a great anthem.

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What?! Wow! That's a pretty great story.

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May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

CONGRATS! Waiting eagerly for the whole thing. I loved the Bon Jovi reference but wondered how you, let alone Nate (?), would even know of him. Then I realized with a shock that you are probably older than Bon Jovi. Lordy, that makes me too ancient to be expressed in mere numbers.

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I am not older than Bon Jovi, Uncle Ed. By more than a decade!😂 However, we DO share the same birthday. I was on the brink of double digits when they got big, so their hits are part of the soundtrack to my teen years. It was Cal, actually, and I suppose I've turned that song up a few times in the car on our way to soccer practice.

I have a memory of an evening in Rehoboth Beach that summer we were all there. Mary and Eric took a bunch of us kids to the boardwalk and we ended up at the amusement park. All those crazy boy cousins convinced me to go on the Graviton, and while think I was pretty taken with zero gravity, I remember clearly that Livin' on a Prayer was blasting for the duration of the ride.

Thank you so much for reading.❤️

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Maria, this is certainly a reason to celebrate! Well done. I am excited for you to reach these milestones and I can't wait to read the finish product at some future date.

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Thank you so much for reading, Matthew, and for your very kind words. I appreciate your generous spirit!

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Aww, love how supportive your family is! And love that your son sang Livin' on a Prayer, haha. Best of luck - you can do this, you've already come so far.

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Thank you so much for reading, Sascha. Your kind words and support go a long way. And yes, he is a character!😂

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May 17Liked by Maria Hanley

BON JOVI ALL DAY. yesssssssss my god I love this song. M, YOU are the rock star of this video and this life! You got this! Trust the process! I seriously cannot wait to read your story. It's been so fun watching you diligently and deliberately get after this thing that you feel in your bonezzzzz. Love you xox

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I love you, Mer! You always have the best words of encouragement. Thank you for always reading and cheering me on. Now, if only I had rock star hair...🎸👩‍🎤

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